Saturday, May 16, 2009

Xylophones played by angels live amongst the trees. not the angels though they live in the suburbs

Schools done, but I’m still working. Fatigue is setting in and the cracks begin to show. I can’t seem to slow down though. I can’t even find the time to properly think. I thought that if I left to my parents place I would be forced into relaxation due to flat screen televisions and free food. It hasn’t worked so far. I’ve just been running errands and getting ready. No relaxation yet. Dreaming of a pool.

             I left at four in the morning (after finishing a movie and a lil work) on a whim and arrived in Atlanta just in time for rush hour. No biggie. There is no light pollution around the Birmingham area, so you can actually see the stars/sunrise…. Weird I know. I’ll never get used to this for some reason.

            At home MoMo then asked me to go shopping with her and I did. My whole family does this. They’ll shop madly and then asked if I like what they picked out. Half way through Morgan casually popped this out as she exited a changing room “Thank you for being a good brother and for not being creepy and for not hitting on my friends”  To be honest I thought she wanted something until I realized a 18 year old girl has more money to spend than me and that she was being genuine. I could go into the great ego massage and all that, but I was more scared that all I said was a simple thank you. Shouldn’t I have complemented her on something or at least told her that what she said meant something to me. My excuse to myself was that I hadn’t had any sleep. Honestly though, I am just horrible at expressing myself verbally. Nope, it is nearly impossible for me to express myself verbally, thus a proficiency in creative writing, and my enjoyment in trying to create urt.

            Enough of that. Morgan just graduated high school. Yay. Now it’s her lunch celebration and I have made the wise choice to come up and type out a quick (promised) update as to avoid the family. I might try and leave for Tuscaloosa later, but it’s supposed to rain. Definitely be back tomorrow. I feel it will be a good summer for being in Tuscaloosa. It’ll be a good time once I can relax. There will be plenty of friends (maybe more, but we know that’d I fuck that up somehow (opening my mouth or something)), fun times (Alabama Adventure/ NOLA anyone?), and books. I’ll leave you with another picture of me shaving this morning. It’s from the time when I was hot stuff enjoy. 

p.s. working on something... so maybe real prose will be up soon. until then drivel.

P.S.S. i really hate suburbanites. City people cool. Country people cool. suburbanites can just fuck off. such a greedy pack of useless abortions. (i say this with full knowledge that i too am from the suburbs and that there will always be exceptions).

Song of day:Of Montreal  "Voltaic Cusher/ undrum the mutated Da"


  1. i still don't know how to classify myself being from arab. it's considered country by most, but where i live had none of the advantages of isolation. i still had neighbors and a small ass yard but i was also stuck in the middle of nowhere.

  2. self classification is a hard thing. I was born in the south and have lived here for the past five years and i don't consider myself a Southerner (and i think most of you would agree).
    Your situation is a little more unique. I've never been to Arab so i don't know the lifestlye of your neighbors. i was just writing how i hated the materialistic lifestyles of my neighbors in ATL (not literal neighbors but people from the suburb). They talk shit about poor and country people for not being "sophisticated" while they are at some yuppie resteraunt spending $25 on a hamburger and $40 on a $10 dollar bottle of crap wine (and yes twenty minutes later someone will whisper how they are in hundreds of thousands dollars in debt).
